I would expect anyone, with even one entrepreneurial bone in their body, to immediately see the power of the USE* business offer.

Gary Lockton, Partner at Last Exit

Using USE*


USE* is proud to work with such prestigious companies as Aston Martin Lagonda, Ford, Jaguar Land Rover, and Nippon Electronic Corporation. Working in parternship with NEC, we also deliver services to Nissan Europe.


USE* Aftermarket Consulting Limited (formerly UK Service Evolution Limited) is ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 audited and accredited.

Case Studies

Code for Working

Code for Working

Honesty, care, and compassion—in business
USE* Calls the Samaritans

USE* Calls the Samaritans

Team support for Active Listening
A Voyage into Branding

A Voyage into Branding

How UKSE became USE*

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