Our vision is a living and evolving concept that drives every aspect of our business planning.

Nick Cook, USE* Technical and Operations Director

The USE* Journey

Our Destination

USE* aims to become the leading provider of solutions focused on aftermarket profitability.

We aim to justify this position by delivering innovations in and connectivity between

  • operational aftermarket services
  • aftermarket publications services and methods
  • aftermarket IT solutions
  • consulting for aftermarket-friendly engineering design
  • consulting for aftermarket-friendly product cycle planning

We aim to gain recognition as the leading provider of warranty-saving process and design solutions in the automotive sector.

Getting There

USE* seeks to achieve these goals by

  • continuing to provide a service to our customers that is qualitatively better, more accountable, more cost effective, and more progressive than anything our competitors can provide
  • continuing to develop our team of personnel who are more motivated, more enthusiastic, and better qualified than anything our competitors can offer

Case Studies

Code for Working

Code for Working

Honesty, care, and compassion—in business
USE* Calls the Samaritans

USE* Calls the Samaritans

Team support for Active Listening
A Voyage into Branding

A Voyage into Branding

How UKSE became USE*

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