USE* unveil e-Manual


USE* e-Manual product goes beyond the simple dissemination of Owner Literature information as an electronic media…

Automotive OEM’s are always looking for new and innovative ways to communicate vehicle operation data and other essential items of information such as service schedule data or marketing information to their end customers. One issue is the plethora of means for doing so, combined with the technical challenge of moving data to and from on-board In-Car-Entertainment (ICE) systems.

Functioning as a delivery medium for Owner Handbook information, USE* have developed the e-Manual concept to address much wider needs. Since ICE systems will time converge with more generic technologies, e-Manual is designed to be delivered via any web-compatible hardware format, allowing for information dissemination via PC, Apple i-Pad, i-Phone, or Andriod-compliant hardware systems. e-Manual additionally integrates social media (twitter, forums, car clubs) with useful OEM information and technical help.

The format doesn’t require existing content to be reworked: designed to ‘plug into’ existing data creation methods, e-Manual allows for the integration of current owner literature data, and also facilitates cost-effective quality improvements in future.


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