Commercial Vehicles get USE* support


USE* have been engaged to provided SERP commercial vehicles engineering support with another prestigious household name OEM.

SERP (Service Evaluation and Repair Process) support comprises routine serviceability assessment of emerging vehicle designs using digital 3D CAD tools months or years in advance of prototype availability. This work is conducted by qualified USE* engineers who combine a background of workshop service-repair expertise with state of the art CADPDM skills. Using SERP methods, design improvements can be quantified in terms of improved cost of owneship value and avoided warranty expenditure. Since the inception of USE* in 2006, savings to our customers in terms of warranty costs avoided due to SERP exceed US$100 million.

USE* engineers working with a prestigious household name OEM client began providing SERP support for commercial vehicle programmes in January this year. The opportunities in this sector for our customer are dramatic, both because high volumes of production mean very large returns in term sof avoided warranty costs, and because for fleet vehicles best-in-class Cost of Ownership is a key driver for sales.


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Commercial Vehicles get USE* support

SERP for fleet vehicles

Commercial vehicles get USE* support

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